Friday, June 7, 2013

Marcus Sleep-Talks: Part 1

Sometimes, Marcus sleep-talks. Apparently he used to sleepwalk, but now the worst of it is confined to sitting up suddenly in bed or getting up and standing at the side of the bed looking lost.

Generally, when he talks in his sleep, it's completely incoherent. This usually wakes me up and, in my just-woken-up stupor, I assume that he's actually saying something meaningful and I proceed to get very confused. This used to send me into a near panic-state, because I would think that something very important was going on that I needed to know about... but now Marcus's sleep-talking usually go something like this:

Marcus: "slkjdlsf!"
Me: "What?"
Marcus: "slkjdlsf!!!!"
Me: "What?!!"
Marcus: "slkjdlsf!!!!!!!"

At this point, my brain usually un-fuzzies just enough to allow me to distinguish between English words and vaguely-English sounding nonsense syllables, and I tell Marcus to go back to sleep. He always seems happy to do so. 

Wednesday night, I had a hard time getting to sleep. This is not uncommon, but usually Marcus falls asleep right away and eventually I get bored enough that I fall asleep. At what I am guessing was around 1AM, Marcus started chuckling to himself.

Me: "What?"
Marcus: "Oh hey there!"
Me: "You were laughing in your sleep"
Marcus: "I haven't fallen asleep yet"

(He had clearly been asleep prior to this, but I thought that he was awake and somehow didn't remember falling asleep or waking up, but I later discovered that he was asleep the entire time.)

Me: "Oh, why were you laughing?"
Marcus: "I avoided something"
Me: "...what?"
Marcus: "The second time you tried to kill me, I avoided something."
Me: "I think you were dreaming"
Marcus: "Pfft. Okay."

And then he rolled over and promptly resumed sleeping quietly. 

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